Second Quarter 2020
I really want to say the past three months have been very
different from how things usually work in the legal world, but it's also hard for
me to do too many comparisons because I have not even been a lawyer for a year
yet! As of right now, Covid-19 cases in Florida are hitting staggering numbers.
June closed out with almost 10,000 new cases in Florida per day and they seem
to still be rising. Some cities and counties are taking additional measures,
but for the most part Florida businesses remain open. Daytona has issued a mask
mandate that everyone must wear a face covering when indoors or when social
distancing is not possible. Various other cities have issued mask mandates as
well. It certainly is a change to go to stores/gas stations/takeout restaurants
and see everyone in masks- and see people turned away if they do not have a
The timing is definitely strange, but I am also almost a
little bit grateful for when I started working as a lawyer because I don't have
routines established yet that need to be changed due to the new electronic/distancing
approach. All of our hearings, case management conferences, and trials remain
online, done via Zoom. We set up a Zoom Room at the office for doing hearings
and court appearances, with one large screen, one large camera/speaker, and a
control pad. I am still working on learning how to use it to its full potential,
but it is definitely a cool setup.
This quarter I helped work on an appeal for the first time
here, which I very much enjoyed. We filed the initial brief, which dealt with
multiple issues including alimony, equitable distribution issues, and children
issues. It is a great learning experience to see how they all work together in
a case, especially at the appellate level. Reviewing a record, completing various
research assignments, summarizing transcripts, and seeing it all come together into
an appellate brief is such a fulfilling experience. I hope to be able to do
more work on appeals as the months and years go on.
As far as personal matters this quarter, I went on my family
trip to the Keys this summer for a few days. We see each other all of the time,
but it is nice to go on the fishing/vacation trips as a family every summer or
almost every summer. And another exciting thing happening for me- I got
Invisalign! I am not excited about wearing them for 18 months, but I am very
excited to see how my teeth will look by then.
So, all in all, it is quite an adjustment to the way things
are right now as compared to six months ago. I know in my last blog I was just
talking about the lockdown, which we are now out of (but with many more
Covid-19 cases). None of us know what's going to happen, but being able to do
all of the necessary meetings, hearings, and other court appearances via Zoom
has made it still feasible to do the work we need to do in the meantime.
Keep up the good work!