
Third Quarter 2020

This quarter was a very special one, because I officially hit my one-year mark as a barred attorney as of September 20, 2020.  It honestly feels a little bit crazy that I have been able to learn so much in such a short amount of time.    My favorite thing I have been doing is sitting in on all of the consults. I’m responsible for taking notes on all of the important facts and the ideas and strategies for the case. But what I love about the consults is that I get to learn so much about a person and their story in the approximately one-and-a-half hour consultation. It is a fascinating process to see a case from consultation intake through the end, and a lot of times the people change along the way without even realizing it. Oftentimes they may become more confident, more self-sufficient, and just all-around happier throughout the process of getting divorced, when that is the exact opposite of the character development they were expecting.   We had more trials this...

Second Quarter 2020

I really want to say the past three months have been very different from how things usually work in the legal world, but it's also hard for me to do too many comparisons because I have not even been a lawyer for a year yet! As of right now, Covid-19 cases in Florida are hitting staggering numbers. June closed out with almost 10,000 new cases in Florida per day and they seem to still be rising. Some cities and counties are taking additional measures, but for the most part Florida businesses remain open. Daytona has issued a mask mandate that everyone must wear a face covering when indoors or when social distancing is not possible. Various other cities have issued mask mandates as well. It certainly is a change to go to stores/gas stations/takeout restaurants and see everyone in masks- and see people turned away if they do not have a mask. The timing is definitely strange, but I am also almost a little bit grateful for when I started working as a lawyer because I don't have...

First Quarter 2020

Hello! I delayed posting this blog by one month so I could write about the developing pandemic and the effect it has had on my work and the legal community here as it is happening. On the day I am posting this blog entry, Governor Ron DeSantis announced the beginning phases of reopening the state last night, including reopening retail stores and restaurants starting on Monday with restrictions on occupancy and social distancing. The Stay-at-Home Order that has been in effect for the past month has had us doing business a little differently here at the office. We have been meeting with clients via Zoom rather than in person, which has certainly been interesting in its own way. I’m definitely grateful for the ability to do meetings and consultations via Zoom, because it video calls are much more personable than telephone calls. What has affected our work the most with the pandemic is the fact that all of the courthouses here have been closed and it seems that they will be until June. Al...

Becoming a Lawyer

Hi! Thank you (in advance) for reading my blog! I’ve never written a blog before, but I plan to share my experience as an attorney from my first day of becoming licensed (and in the case of this post, before becoming licensed as well). It is my aspiration to provide monthly updates, but in the busiest times- as this first few months has definitely been, because I am still learning the ropes- the updates may be quarterly. This post is essentially a short recap of the time leading up to me becoming a lawyer and my first impressions of the job. First and foremost, the last few months have been an absolute whirlwind. I graduated from UF’s Levin College of Law, studied for and took the Florida Bar Exam, started my new job, found out I passed the bar exam, and was sworn into the Florida Bar. I feel like I’ve become a completely different person in the last 3.5 years (my time in law school and taking/passing the bar exam), and I know I’ll continue to grow and change in this wonderful c...