First Quarter 2020
Hello! I delayed posting this blog by one month so I could write about the developing pandemic and the effect it has had on my work and the legal community here as it is happening. On the day I am posting this blog entry, Governor Ron DeSantis announced the beginning phases of reopening the state last night, including reopening retail stores and restaurants starting on Monday with restrictions on occupancy and social distancing. The Stay-at-Home Order that has been in effect for the past month has had us doing business a little differently here at the office. We have been meeting with clients via Zoom rather than in person, which has certainly been interesting in its own way. I’m definitely grateful for the ability to do meetings and consultations via Zoom, because it video calls are much more personable than telephone calls. What has affected our work the most with the pandemic is the fact that all of the courthouses here have been closed and it seems that they will be until June. Al...