Becoming a Lawyer
Hi! Thank you (in advance) for reading my blog! I’ve never written a blog before, but I plan to share my experience as an attorney from my first day of becoming licensed (and in the case of this post, before becoming licensed as well). It is my aspiration to provide monthly updates, but in the busiest times- as this first few months has definitely been, because I am still learning the ropes- the updates may be quarterly. This post is essentially a short recap of the time leading up to me becoming a lawyer and my first impressions of the job. First and foremost, the last few months have been an absolute whirlwind. I graduated from UF’s Levin College of Law, studied for and took the Florida Bar Exam, started my new job, found out I passed the bar exam, and was sworn into the Florida Bar. I feel like I’ve become a completely different person in the last 3.5 years (my time in law school and taking/passing the bar exam), and I know I’ll continue to grow and change in this wonderful c...